
Showing posts from November, 2023

Spot It: AWESOME Game for Multilingual Learners

 If you're looking for some fun ways to create learning experiences that enhance vocabulary AND that are also linguistically inclusive of newcomer students, then you've found the right SPOT.  Spot It! was a game that my own family started to play A LOT during the pandemic. They have lots of different versions of the game at most online retailers like Amazon. Spot It! can be played a number of ways, but it's a great game for kids (and adults) of all ages - and you don't *need* language to play. The way we play most as a family is finding a match with two cards. Whoever finds the match first either says it out loud or points to it, then they keep the pair of cards. We keep going until the deck is gone.  I started to think this would be great for students who are acquiring language since they don't have to be fluent to fully participate. I also started to wonder if there was an online generator that I could use to create experiences for my students with vocabulary that