Sometimes, It's Just a Matter of Asking

 Sometimes, it's simply a matter of asking. Years ago, I noticed that our local public library had the entire multilingual children's collection the second floor away from the English Children's Collection. I asked why. They replied they didn't know. I shared that I'm a multilingual educator and that I thought it would be great to have all the kids' books together. I wasn't even aware that there were multilingual books available, and I wondered if there were families who also didn't know! If the books were all together, it shows that all literacies are valued, important, and visible in the community.

Months later, I received an email that they moved the multilingual collection to the first floor, to be with the English collection. They created space and made the change. I'm sure it took a long time to figure out and then move everything around, but hey- they followed through. I appreciated it so much, and told them so.

Sometimes, it's simply a matter of asking.


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