YouTuber Kid Saves My Day

When I don't know how to do something, I use YouTube! I recently got a new laptop, so I'm learning how to do different things on it by searching YouTube videos. I found this one created by a wonderful kiddo who explained to viewers how to screen record. This kid has AWESOME skills! I don't know this child, and I don't know when he learned these skills, or who helped him create his channel or anything like that- but I just wanted to highlight his work here because he has skills and I wanted to share those skills to counter the deficit-laden narrative about learning loss. Kids are amazing.

His channel has all kinds of things that are important to him, like gaming and trading cards and camp - but how powerful of an opportunity that platforms like this exist. Yes, there are rules and age restrictions. Yes, an adult needs to help facilitate and manage this. Yes, there are dangers in social media and platforms like this. But I continue to be blown away by what can happen when we let kids do the steering and let them create and share.

Check out his video that helped me figure out how to screencast on my new computer:


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