Quick Tip: Saving Those "First Days" Tools/Resources: Instant Toolkit

 As we begin to prep for the school year, we are gathering resources and materials to support students during those first few days. Consider keeping a small collection of items as you are gathering/prepping these things for students who may arrive "new" in the middle of the school year! 

Many of us have resources that we print in bright colors that say things like "Welcome to 7th Grade!" or packets of information about the school year. We include things like our classroom schedules, teacher information, or important phone numbers for the school. 

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-and-gray-scissors-2831794/

We also prep for those first family events, "back to school" nights, or Curriculum Nights. As you gather those materials and resources, create a few extras to distribute to new families later on in the school year. 

Now you have an instant kit to welcome students & families later on! 


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