3 Quick (AND FUN) Ways to "Sneak In" More Writing

How can we sneak in more "quick" writing throughout our students' day? All students need opportunities to read, write, listen, and speak about their content learning ALL DAY LONG! 

Let's quickly chat. Remember that group writing is WRITING. Co-constructed writing is WRITING. Independent writing is WRITING.  Partner writing is WRITING. Broaden your scope of writing! Here are a few quick ways to sneak in more writing across your content areas! 

1. Have small groups or partners co-construct 1-3 sentences about their learning for the day. You may even give them a few "Goal Words" to incorporate into their pieces. Students could also co-construct a Tweet or Instagram post to share their learning with a global audience! If you have a classroom Twitter/Instagram account, students may decide if it gets shared or if it stays within the learning space. Check out Matt Miller's website Ditch That Textbook for *FREE* downloadable templates that you can use RIGHT NOW! Also, buy his book. It's outstanding!!!

2. Use a generator like iFake Text to create a quick conversation that answers a question! See the example below. 

3. Generate a quick Word-Phrase-Sentence Bank that would be helpful for the next class (or if you have the same class all day, what would be helpful to continue their work tomorrow!)! This allows students to contribute words, phrases, and full sentences (even questions) of their "capture" of the day's learning! It also BONUSES as a resource for ongoing work throughout the unit, especially if you continue revisiting and displaying this as a tool. 


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