8 Questions & 1 Challenge to Nurture Teacher Creativity & Innovation

Winters are hard for me, living in the midwest and saying goodbye to the sun around 4:30 each day. I know - it could be worse- but the seasons definitely do impact me! Typically this time of year, I also find myself stuck in a rut, and I fill the need to mix it up - even if it's just something small. 

We've often heard that "Teamwork makes the dream work" but I also believe that DREAM WORK MAKES THE TEAM WORK. Let's continue dreaming aloud with our colleagues!!

I don't love ice breakers. I don't. However - when purposeful and intentional, I can see the value. After listening to Marco Antonio Torres' keynote at the Multilingual IL 2022 Conference, I wanted to capture 8 questions that you could ask colleagues to generate creativity and innovation in your spaces!  

 1. If you were given 1,000 for an after-school program, what kind of program would you design?

2. What is one problem our school has and what are some possible solutions?

3. What's the most creative thing you've done lately?

4. What's one thing that you've always wanted to try in your classroom?

5. If you could design your dream unit, what would it be? What would it include? 

6. If you could redesign your entire classroom, how would you set it up?

7. What's a dream family event that you think our school should put on in the future?

8. If money were no issue, where would you take your students on a field trip?

CHALLENGE: Team up with a partner in your building (or hey- a virtual buddy works great, too!). Each of you must go to the local dollar store (together or separately) and find the most random object you can find. Trade objects and see if you can incorporate that one random object into your instruction in the next week! A spatula to teach math?!? A hairbrush to teach your current novel?!? Let your creativity fly! If you're feeling stuck- share your challenge the next time you're in the teachers' lounge and ask for ideas. It'll get everyone thinking creatively, and you'll have tons of though partners! 


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