Revisiting Classroom Norms & Classroom Routines

 As many of us head back into our learning spaces after winter break, we are thinking of ways to re-engage our students, consider some new goals, and also revisit routines, norms, and expectations. All of these things are important for us to consider. Here are two tools to help lead conversations about norms & routines. 

Click here for a quick conversation capture centered on revisiting classroom norms. In this resource, there's one page for whole class (or small group) discussion, and there's one page for individual reflection. These can serve as guides for conversations about which norms may need refreshing. I love these types of conversations because these center our students' perceptions! Is it missing something? Go to File & Make a Copy so you can edit these to better fit your needs! 

Click here for a conversation capture centered on revisiting classroom routines. Routines help us to maximize instructional time with students. Routines are particularly helpful for students who may struggle with executive functioning, or students who are adjusting to a new learning environment (like a new school or even a new country!). This conversation will help students to reflect on which routines they find to be valuable, and which routines may need some energizing or shaking up. I also included a space for students to share routines that they've done in the past that have really helped them - this is a great way to learn more about students and what they need, and it's also a great way to gather more ideas for how to reach them. I love this question because it encourages student reflection on things they've done in the past that have served them well and helped them to be successful. Again, in this resource there is one page for classroom or small group dialogue, and another for more individual reflection. Is it missing something? Go to File & Make a Copy so you can edit these to better fit your needs! 

Shifting the conversation about following rules to co-constructing community norms is a way to nurture a positive learning environment. Having students provide insight and direction to how the classroom space functions is one great way to continue this work!


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