Testing Season + Seasonal Affective Disorder (Part One)

 I almost didn't want to "go there," but I tend to overshare, so here we are. I have dealt with Seasonal Affective Disorder for over a decade. Sometimes folks will call it the "winter blues" and many folks who live in areas that don't get a ton of sunlight during winter months also struggle like me. 

Serving in multilingual education, every year of my career, the ACCESS test has coincided with my SAD and has really made winters even more difficult for me. I have tried to navigate this time the best I can, so I wanted to share a few things that have helped me to cope. 

For testing tips & tricks, you can follow me over on TikTok

I have had to really tune into what I have found to be draining and what I need to boost energy & good feelings for myself. I get a lot of joy from my students, so I wanted to be intentional with what we did while we were in the midst of testing season. 

With Kids: 

*Modeling rest. We did something I called a "Spina Spa Day" (yay, alliteration) where we would take our tests and then immediately REST afterwards. We moved the tables, desks, chairs and laid out towels, blankets, and yoga mats. We all sat or laid down in comfortable positions (whatever felt best to each individual) and played a quiet meditation for a bit of time. I even stepped it up once or twice and brought in chopped cucumbers to rest our eyes. The students loved it and I really needed that quiet time too. This is especially important while we are living in the age of "Hustle Culture." Kids need to have rest MODELED.

*Modeling movement. After a test session, get up and move. Walk around the school building or (even better, if the weather permits) walk outside. Pair students up so they have a Chat Buddy (and voila- now you're providing oral language opportunities!) and walk for 5-10 minutes. That movement is necessary after sitting down in a confined testing spot for so long. It also gives you ALL endorphins (you too, teacher). 

*Modeling relaxation. Keep a bank of relaxing sounds and videos on hand and try out different ones to play before or after testing sessions. This is important! Exposing students (and ourselves) to different resourcse like this will help us to decide what works best for us. Here's my current FAVORITE because I'm obsessed with manatees. This is a live webcam from Homosassa Springs in Florida. The soothing music paired with floating manatees and swimming fish totally puts my mind into a state of calm. 

*Intentionally PLAN FOR FUN. What are your favorite things to do FOR FUN with your students? Build those into your times before/after testing sessions. The students need it, and YOU NEED IT TOO. Inflate your test session times to allow for this!!! Because when you send students "back to class" after their testing session is over, they may have to hop right into a full literacy block, and they will be drained!!!  This can include coloring pages (like those intricate adult coloring book pages), watching a few funny videos together (GASP! Yes- I said to watch funny videos!), or play some good ole' board games or card games. We need to still have joy during this season. You may also wish to bring in folks for fun, BUT NOT SPEECHES. Invite the fire department to play Duck, Duck, Goose with your kids. Invite the police department to come in and get into teams where you do those silly TikTok Dances together. Bring in the Principal(s) and do some of those Minute to Win It Challenges. IF YOU ARE LAUGHING AT WORK, THIS IS GOOD. IF YOUR STUDENTS ARE LAUGHING AT SCHOOL, THIS IS GOOD. I almost feel silly for saying it, but it must be said. 

*When you have to remove the instructional posters and anchor charts, your walls may feel blank. The room's vibe may feel off, sad, distant, or cold. Have students reconstruct the space with you. Get some inspirational quotes on the walls, either from students themselves or from their heroes. Post the classroom mantra if you have one. Design with students an Inspiration Wall. Elicit help from teachers & community members by having them take selfies holding signs that say YOU GOT THIS or I BELIEVE IN YOU and put those everywhere. As students are testing, they will look all around them and see a network of adults who care about them and are cheering them on. THIS WILL SERVE TO INSPIRE YOU AS WELL. Seriously. It goes a LONG way. When I did this, it brought tears to my eyes almost every time I looked up because it reminded me that I wasn't alone while serving my students.


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