Just for Fun: Custom Coloring Pages

 During winter months (December Chaos, Testing Season, Seasonal Affective Disorder), there's a big need to unwind and co-regulate with students. During these months, I turn to fun and relaxing videos, various noise frequencies, and coloring pages (for both myself, and for those I serve!).

Did you know you can create customized coloring pages from images you take? Crayola does the work for you, and it's actually quite easy. Just go here. You don't have to set up an account or anything (thank goodness), and you just upload an image and then have Crayola turn it into a printable coloring page for you! 

For example, here's a photo I took of Mrs. Spina reminding students of one of their mantras - I CAN DO HARD THINGS! I just did a Word Art insert on a Google Doc, made the borders of the words super thick, printed it out, snapped a pic, and it's ready to upload! 

Here's the original image of me (simplest backgrounds work best): 

And here's what good ole' Crayola gave me: 

Easy, right? 

If you're doing calming stations or even sending students home with fun packets, this may be a fun addition. 


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