8 Ways to Ask for Help

8 ways to ask for help from your teammates, leaders, or administrators. 

File this under "Things I wish I would have learned earlier in my career!

Sometimes as educators, we find it hard to ask for help. Or perhaps, we were burned once (or twice...or more) in the past when we DID ask for help with something. Asking for help is a LIFE SKILL (one that way we often encourage our students to do), but it doesn't mean that it comes easy for us when we are adults. Asking for help out loud can also encourage others around us to do the same. It helps nurture a growth mindset amongst our colleagues as we all seek to continuously improve our own practices. Here are 8 sentence stems to get you started! 

I really need support with ______. 

I would like to learn ______ to help me _______.

I'm struggling with _________. 

Can you help me find resources to help me with _______. 

Is there someone I could observe who _______ really well? I'd love to see it in action. 

Do you have additional tools that could help me ______? 

I need help. 

I'm always down to grow, and I'd love to learn more about ________. 

Asking for help is a life skill - flex that skill. We all need help sometimes, and honestly- I still to remind myself to ask for help! I wish I had these taped to my desk, especially when I was within the first few years of a new role or navigating a new program, initiative, tool or strategy. Let's equip ourselves with some starters to ask for help! 


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