February Prompts for #EduListers Challenge

 For information about the #EduListers Challenge, please check out the first blog post with a description of what this is, and how to use it for either yourself, AND/OR how you might use it with your students!

So far, teachers have shared that they've done these either before/after test sessions, as a classroom warm-up, or for early-finishers for other content tasks! Keep it up and please keep sharing your ideas with me at carlymspina@gmail.com.

Without further adieu, here's our list of 25 prompts for February! 

February Listing Prompts

February Slide Deck for Teachers to use with students (pop this up on the screen for your students- one slide per prompt!)

  1. Things that Energize Me Lately

  2. Reasons I’ve Laughed Recently

  3. Things I’m thankful for today

  4. Things I did today

  5. Current favorite songs

  6. People who may need extra kindness right now

  7. Things I really love and appreciate in nature

  8. Fun words or phrases I like to say

  9. Ways I help people I love

  10. I feel most comfortable when…

  11. Things I keep in my locker/backpack/purse

  12. Ways I can help the world be better today

  13. Affirmations I need to tell myself today

  14. Shows or movies I enjoy re-watching

  15. Things I love to talk about with my friends

  16. Wild animals that I would love to have a close-ish encounter with in a dream world

  17. “Small” things I’d like to accomplish one day

  18. “Big Dream” things I’d like to accomplish one day

  19. Ways I celebrate myself 

  20. Ways I celebrate others

  21. Breeds of dogs/cats I think are special

  22. Things to do when it’s snowing outside

  23. Books I think everyone should read

  24. Names I would give to a puppy or kitty

  25. I feel excited about…

Don't forget to post pictures of YOUR lists (not your students) and use the #EduListers hashtag on social media to build and share inspiration! Enjoy!


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