March #EduListers Challenge

Curious about the #EduListers Challenge? Click here to check out the first post in this monthly series!

March Listing Prompts

March Slide Deck for Teachers to use with students

  1. Foods I enjoy:

  2. Characteristics in a friend that are important to me:

  3. Things I’m thankful for today

  4. Questions I have about the world

  5. Current favorite songs

  6. My To-Do list for today:

  7. Animals I’d like to snuggle with if it was safe to do so

  8. Things I am afraid of:

  9. Things that make me smile

  10. Things I need to remind myself of when I’m stressed

  11. My comfort shows/movies

  12. Colors I might see in a sunset or sunrise

  13. Places around the world that would be cool to see

  14. A list of celebrities/famous folks that I’d like to meet

  15. Things I love to talk about with my friends

  16. A list of folks that I’m happy are in my life today

  17. I enjoy learning about these things:

  18. Sounds that I am loving right now

  19. Ways I celebrate myself 

  20. Ways I celebrate others

  21. When it’s raining outside, I can…

  22. Things I know about myself

  23. Things I can do well:

  24. Things I’d like to try out one day

  25. I feel excited about…


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